We all want to support small, women owned, local artisans and businesses and we created the perfect gift baskets to do just that! I joined forces with two amazing companies, Honeyandcocoa.com and braveandcourageous.com and we created 2 amazing gift baskets for the holidays. The products are all natural, handmade, organic, and filled with love!
"40 weeks and Done!"
This basket is designed for the woman at the end of her pregnancy. I remember being so DONE at the end of my pregnancies and just wanting to meet my little one already. When we thought of the items for this basket it was with that in mind. Honey and Cocoa created an exclusive Induction soap bar so moms who are 37+ weeks can lather up and help the body prepare for birth with those essential oil blends. Brave and Courageous created a unique Focus candle that has 2 helpful essential oils moms can benefit from on labor day, peppermint and eucalyptus. You also get 2 labor prep tea bags ( each bag can make 4 cups) that contain an amazing blend of organic herbs to get your body going! Finally, a relaxing lavender eye pillow for this woman to help her relax before the arrival of her new love.
"Newborn Bliss"
This basket is for the little one that has arrived. We designed these items for the sensitive skin in mind :) Honey and Cocoa created a gentle baby bar for your newborns skin when giving them a bath. The blend of essential oils is just the right amount to nourish the skin and avoid irritation. She also created a lovely gentle afterbath oil that you can lather your little one up with. We also have a great butt balm that I created to help with any diaper rash issues or skin irritations. My balm is soothing and healing with calendula oil and a sweet almond oil. Brave and Courageous handmade a gentle lavender scented nightime candle to help you and baby settle down for the night.
Limited time! email info@p3birth.com for orders and questions.